Having a backyard pool is great, but before diving headfirst, you must consider what type of pool system you want. A landscape architect can advise where to place your pool to optimize your pool system’s operation.

Your decision will affect ongoing maintenance costs, your pool’s health, not to mention your family’s health. Moreover, there are more pool systems available today than at any other time, so you need to weigh the pros and cons of each before you commit. 

Landscape Architects in Orange County Know All About Pool Systems

Some landscape architects include pool installations in their services. This is because the swimming pool fits perfectly with the garden’s design and enhances your backyard’s tranquility. 

You want to avoid risking the beauty of your landscape with a perennially green pool. This is where you make the critical decision about which type of pool system you want to use.

7 Types of Pool Systems

There are seven types of pool systems, some of which are traditional and some are just beginning to make their presence felt in the swimming pool industry. 

1. Chlorine Pool Systems

It doesn’t get more traditional than chlorine. There is one excellent reason for its longevity, and it’s very good at its job, which is to kill bacteria. It’s also pretty easy to use, all you have to do is throw some chlorine in your pool once a week, and that’s it.

There are three types of chlorine products, liquid, tablets, and granular. The first is popular because you just pour some liquid into your pool once a week. It works so well because the chlorine levels stay stable, and they don’t rise and fall depending on how far into the week you are.

With tablets, all you have to do is put one in a floater and let it do its job over the week. This option also keeps chlorine levels constant. 

Granules are the least constant of the three types of chlorine systems, so you have to keep a careful eye on the levels of chlorine using chemical test kits.

The disadvantages of chlorinated pool systems are pretty severe. It leaves you with dry skin and irritated eyes, but it aggravates lung and breathing conditions, like asthma, and can worsen allergies.

It’s also a dangerous chemical, so it must be properly stored when not in use.

2. Saltwater Pool Systems

These are generally considered chlorine’s biggest competitor in the market. They don’t have much of a taste of salt at all and have major benefits over chlorine. They are gentler on sensitive skin, eyes, hair, and clothes and have several health benefits.

Technically, saltwater pools aren’t chlorine-free. A salt chlorine generator turns the pool-grade salt into chlorine, but at a much lower level than pure chlorine. So it still kills bacteria to keep your pool clean and healthy.

Saltwater pool systems have one major disadvantage. The salt corrodes metal components in your pool and equipment, meaning you have to replace them more often than you would with any other system.

However, there is something called the sacrificial anode. It’s made of zinc which distracts salt from the other metallic elements in the pool. The salt makes a beeline for the anode, leaving the essential pool components alone, this lasts about three years.

Another disadvantage is that saltwater pool systems have bigger upfront costs than chlorine systems. But keep in mind that the low cost of salt compared to the cost of chlorine and saved maintenance time can compensate entirely for the expense.

3. Mineral Pool Systems

These are the wallflower of the pool cleaning market. They’ve been around for a long time, but they’ve passed under the radar.

This type of pool system adds magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride to the pool. By working together, the minerals successfully combat bacteria and algae growth. The system’s been proven to reduce the need for chlorine by up to 50%. 

The minerals also improve the water quality, eliminating skin irritation with silkier water. They also have absolutely no impact on pool components and equipment. The systems are relatively inexpensive, but the real cost saving is in annual maintenance, which is virtually nothing—especially when compared to chlorine.

4. UV Light Pool Systems

In this system, a UV bulb is used to denature bacterial DNA. However, the disadvantage of a UV light pool system is that they don’t actually kill bacteria and just sterilizes them. So there is always the risk that bacteria could end up back in your pool, revive, and then be just as dangerous as before. 

Another disadvantage is that water has to pass over the bulb to be treated, it doesn’t continuously treat all the water in the pool, so it’s not as effective as some other systems. Furthermore, it’s not an oxidizer, so it doesn’t destroy contaminants or improve water quality as chlorine does. 

5. Ozone Pool Systems

This system is pretty advanced where the ozone gas is injected into the pool plumbing, oxidizing chlorine-resistant microbes, and other pool contaminants. They are 100 times stronger and 2,000 times faster than traditional chlorine systems, making them one of the most effective methods to keep your swimming pool water clean. 

However, you still need to add some chlorine to the pool. That chlorine can come from a salt chlorinator and dramatically improve pool water purity. 

One of the reasons why ozone systems are so good is that they are softer and have no harsh effects on your skin than chlorine. 

A huge disadvantage to ozone systems is that ozone is a toxic gas that can accumulate under pool covers and pool pump rooms. Adding particular components to your pool system may be necessary, including degas vessels and ozone destruct chambers.

Additionally, ozone is corrosive and can destroy rubber gaskets, pool covers, and other equipment. 

6. Hydroxyl-Based Advanced Oxidation Process Systems

An advanced oxidation process (AOP) system is the most powerful recreational pool water treatment. This creates hydroxyls that oxidize organic contaminants, resulting to pool water that is soft and gentle on your skin. It is non-corrosive, so your pool and equipment will be fine. 

However, adding chlorine to boost the system occasionally may still be necessary, but the level is extremely low. Another disadvantage is that the initial cost is expensive. 

7. Natural Pool Systems

A natural pool system that uses plants and sediment to reduce impurities in pool water may appeal to eco-warriors, but they are illegal in many states in the USA. The reason is simple, there is absolutely no sanitation.

All the things you don’t want in your pool, like bacteria, parasites, viruses, and even human and animal waste, freely floating around. 

However, this kind of system requires a cleaning area the same size as the pool, this means you’re paying for two pools that don’t function optimally. You’re also doubling the circulation and plumbing equipment required to keep water circulating and moderately clean.

Consult with an Experienced Landscape Architect in Orange County Today!

Talk to an expert in landscape design in Orange County if you’re thinking of getting a natural pool system. Having all the information you need can help make the best decision.

If you want more information on which pool system will work best for you and your landscape, we are experienced in landscape design in Orange County, CA. Contact us at 714-235-3294 at Calimingo Pools today!

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