The mere thought of soaking in warm, bubbling water alleviates stress. It’s even better when you experience it in your own backyard. There are many reasons to build your own spa. Spas can relieve stress, reduce muscle stiffness, and relieve aching joints through their warm water and energizing jets.

Relaxing in a spa gives your joints a well-deserved break since most of your body weight is supported by water. Body aches? Trouble sleeping? Take a relaxing soak in a bubbling spa.

It all sounds wonderful to you. Too bad you weren’t able to get a swimming pool and hot tub installed together during your pool remodeling.

Don’t worry, it’s not too late. With the help of Orange County pool contractors, an existing pool can be upgraded with a spa. Find out how much a hot tub may cost and the benefits of installing one.

Enhancing Your Existing Pool with a Spa

If you want to add a spa to your existing pool, schedule it during the renovation of the pool. Because your pool has already been emptied, you can make the installation of the spa easier. Spas can be built into the main pool body, extended to include a spa on the side concrete, or installed as a separate, self-contained structure beside the pool.

Depending on your ideas, budget, and site feasibility limitations, you can have a spa installed according to your specifications. The transformation of your pool into an idyllic paradise can be accomplished relatively easily.

With the right design, your poolside lifestyle can be translated into size, shape, seating, lighting, jets, blowers, and other features. Only one pump is necessary to flow water between the hot tub and the pool, so maintenance is not an added expense.

Costs For Adding Spa to an Existing Pool

In order to install a spa into an existing pool, you must replaster the interior after the interior finish has been applied. When adding a spa to an in-ground pool, there are irreversible preparations that need to be made. In the absence of suitable prep work, the pool interior would not seal the structure of the pool, would not match the spa addition, and the integrity of the pool could be compromised under these circumstances.

Adding a spa to a pool you already own can cost quite a bit more after the initial construction. There is a wide range of prices for pool remodels, ranging from $12,000 to $50,000. Again, this number depends on a variety of factors, such as the size of the pool and how much remodeling is needed for the proposed spa site.

The final cost will depend on such decisions, such as additional features to make your pool more extravagant.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Adding Spa

Spas have their own equipment for making it all work, and some of that equipment is shared with the pool. Typically, spas are attached to pools in an advantageous position and have spillways into the pools. In some cases, they also require modifying the pool structure, wiring, and plumbing, adding new components, and finishing off with additional materials.

Ownership Costs

Spa owners learn over time that due to the spa being used less frequently than their swimming pools, it will need more costs for maintenance and repairs. Additional expenses may involve service work for heaters and other equipment included in the spa system.

Additional Features

Costs can go higher when owners prefer to install additional features such as spa jets, water features, LED lighting, and more. It’s the relaxing nights in your own private spa that makes a hot tub the most desirable purchase of those who value them, and it’s this alone that justifies the cost or additional maintenance.

It is challenging enough just to decide whether or not to include a spa, but there are other aspects to consider. Factors such as the design, shape, height, spillway, and benches will make or break your existing pool.

Just like when designing a custom pool, you need to work with pool contractors in Orange County, CA, to know what suits best for your property.

Benefits of Adding a Spa to During Your Pool Remodel

The benefits of spas cannot be overstated, and they can help you relax after a long day at work. Stress can be relieved, pain can be alleviated, blood circulation can be improved, and muscle fatigue can be reduced when you visit a spa.

In addition to these health and mental benefits, spas also offer other advantages for property owners. The following are some of them:

Suitable For All Seasons

You might want to have a swim in the middle of January, but it’s too cold. Perhaps the weather is warm in the morning, but by evening it’s going to be too chilly for a swim. Owning a spa means you don’t have to worry about the temperature being comfortable. Due to its features, the water is enjoyable all year round, making it ideal for swimming.

Adds Value To Your Property

The price of homes in California with a pool was $95,393 higher than the price of homes without pools. Moreover, nearly 23% of homes sold in Los Angeles in 2018 had spas in their pools. Additionally, the value of a pool in a house depends on the state and climate where it is located. 

Can be Customized

When it comes to adding a spa to your pool, it’s all about customizing it to your taste. With a spa, you can customize it to suit your lifestyle. In addition to choosing the spa’s size and seating arrangement, you can also choose its shape and design.

Professional Orange County Swimming Pool Contractors

Any home improvement project will have a significant effect on the cost, especially if additional features are added, such as pool spas. Our team of professional pool builders and pavers at Calimingo Pools takes into consideration your lifestyle and how long you intend to spend on the property. Our knowledge of nearby comparable properties also helps to create a pool that is tailored specifically to your needs.

You can rely on us to handle all your requirements and make your custom luxury pool ready to use with our proven procedure and over 20 years of experience as swimming pool contractors.

As a top-rated pool company and contractor in Orange County, we can help you with your pool installation needs or select the perfect accessories for your brand-new swimming pool. During a consultation, we can answer any questions you have about estimates, quote, pricing, and more.

Are you ready to add beauty to your backyard? Send us an email at or call Calimingo at 714-235-3294 today!

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